Text to Columns in Google Spreadsheet

To enable Text to Columns in Google Spreadsheet, copy-n-paste the following script. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a spreadsheet
  2. Tools -> Script Editor…
  3. In Code.gs, copy-n-paste the following code to replace the empty myFunction().
  4. File -> Save. Then give a name to this script workspace. (You won’t see it again)
  5. Then close the script editor, go back to your spreadsheet.
  6. Refresh your spreadsheet.
  7. You will see the additional Advanced menu item there.
  8. Select the cell(s) containing the values to split
  9. Advanced -> Text to columns

If you are more comfortable to play with your data in office, you could use this free office called LibreOffice. When you paste the csv data onto its spreadsheet, it will trigger the text-to-column feature to help you split the data.

function onOpen() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var menuEntries = [];
  menuEntries.push({ name:"Text to columns", functionName:"textToColumns" });
  menuEntries.push({ name:"Text to columns (custom separator)", functionName:"textToColumnsCustom" });
  menuEntries.push({ name:"Columns to Text", functionName:"columnsToText" });
  menuEntries.push({ name:"Columns to Text (custom separator)", functionName:"columnsToTextCustom" });
  ss.addMenu("Advanced", menuEntries);

function textToColumnsCustom() {
  var separator = Browser.inputBox("Text to column","Enter the the separator",Browser.Buttons.OK);

function columnsToTextCustom() {
  var separator = Browser.inputBox("Column to text","Enter the the separator",Browser.Buttons.OK);

// Expands a single cell of CSV formatted text to multiple columns
function textToColumns(separator) {
  var sep = typeof(separator) !== 'undefined' ? separator : ',';
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
  var r = ss.getActiveRange();
  // check that only one column was selected
  var col = r.getColumn(); 
  if(col !== r.getLastColumn()) {
    Browser.msgBox("Error", "Invalid selection, too many columns.", Browser.Buttons.OK);
  var firstRow = r.getRow();
  // short cut the one row selection
  if(firstRow === r.getLastRow()) {
    var values = r.getValues().toString().split(sep);
    ss.getRange(firstRow,col+1,1,values.length).setValues(new Array(values));
  } else {
    var rows = r.getValues();
    var values = [];
    var cols = 0;
    for(var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++) {
      var rowValues = rows[i].toString().split(sep); 
      var rowValuesLen = rowValues.length;
      if(cols < rowValuesLen) { cols = rowValuesLen; }
    // set all values at once (padding required because setValues doesn't accept jagged 2d arrays)
    padRow(values, cols);

// Pads a row with empty values to the specified length
function padRow(array, length) {
  for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    var arrLen = array[i].length;
    if(arrLen < length) {
      var padLen = length - arrLen;
      var padding = new Array(padLen);
      array[i].push.apply(array[i], padding);
      for(var j = 0, len = array[i].length; j < len; j++) {
        if(typeof(array[i][j]) === 'undefined') {
          array[i][j] = "";
  return array;

function columnsToText(separator) {
  var sep = typeof(separator) !== 'undefined' ? separator : ',';
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
  var r = ss.getActiveRange();
  var col = r.getColumn();  
  var firstRow = r.getRow();
  var rows = r.getValues();
  var values = [];
  for(var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++) {
    var value = rows[i].join(sep);
    values[i] = [value];
  col -= 1;

ref: http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/22799/text-to-columns-conversion-in-google-spreadsheets

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