Highcharts pie charts can have url links

For some reasons the default highcharts pie chart has no url links. Or at least that feature is not being demo’ed. See their example here: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-basic.

After tweaking the code for a while, here is the code that enables URL links in a pie chart.

var chart;
$(document).ready(function() {
	chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
		chart: {
			renderTo: 'my_chart_id',
			plotBackgroundColor: null,
			plotBorderWidth: null,
			plotShadow: false
		title: {
			text: 'my_title'
		tooltip: {
			formatter: function() {
				var y = this.y;
				var p = Math.round(this.percentage*100)/100;
				return ''+ this.point.name +': ' + y + ' (' + p + '%)';
		plotOptions: {
			pie: {
				allowPointSelect: true,
				cursor: 'pointer',
				dataLabels: {
					enabled: false
				showInLegend: true
		series: [{
			type: 'pie',
			name: 'overall',
			point: {
				events: {
					click: function(e) {
						location.href = e.point.url;
			data: [
				{name: 'Not Tested', color: '#FFA850', y: 87, url: 'http://my_site1.com'},
				{name: 'Fail', color: '#FF2929', y: 2, url: 'http://my_site2.com'},
				{name: 'Pass', color: '#31FF4F', y: 32, url: 'http://my_site3.com'}

The part that enables the clicking is the new url key in data, and the event handling.

series: [{
	type: 'pie',
	name: 'overall',
	point: {
		events: {
			click: function(e) {
				location.href = e.point.url;
	data: [
		{name: 'Not Tested', color: '#FFA850', y: 87, url: 'http://my_site1.com'},
		{name: 'Fail', color: '#FF2929', y: 2, url: 'http://my_site2.com'},
		{name: 'Pass', color: '#31FF4F', y: 32, url: 'http://my_site3.com'}

5 thoughts on “Highcharts pie charts can have url links

  1. Anonymous says:

    Can you help me open the url in a frame, not the iframe?
    My code does not work.
    top.[‘Aframe’].location.href = e.point.options.url;


  2. Rogerio Costa says:

    Hello, very good your solution, but I need some help yet.
    How would I do for this data list is dynamic and receive a variable amount of data?
    I get random data from the database to plot.
    Sometimes 3 data
    data: [
    {name: ‘Not Tested’, color: ‘#FFA850’, y: 87, url: ‘http://my_site1.com’},
    {name: ‘Fail’, color: ‘#FF2929’, y: 2, url: ‘http://my_site2.com’},
    {name: ‘Pass’, color: ‘#31FF4F’, y: 32, url: ‘http://my_site3.com’}
    Sometimes 5 data
    data: [
    {name: ‘Not Tested’, color: ‘#FFA850’, y: 87, url: ‘http://my_site1.com’},
    {name: ‘Fail’, color: ‘#FF2929’, y: 2, url: ‘http://my_site2.com’},
    {name: ‘Fail’, color: ‘#FF2929’, y: 2, url: ‘http://my_site2.com’},
    {name: ‘Fail’, color: ‘#FF2929’, y: 2, url: ‘http://my_site2.com’},
    {name: ‘Pass’, color: ‘#31FF4F’, y: 32, url: ‘http://my_site3.com’}


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