phpMyAdmin navigation frame not resizable

If you have long database table names you may find it frustrating to use phpMyAdmin, having the end portion of many long tables names truncated. There is really no easy way to widen the navigation frame either… Your last option is to horizontally scroll right… Nooooooooooo….

OK, here is a little fix. The problem here is, there is nothing for you to grab to widen the left frame. That’s due to the fact that the frame border is set to 0. So to fix that, open up the index.php file, search for the first occurrence of frameborder, then change the frameborder variable to 1, or anything but 0.

     <frame frameborder="1" id="frame_navigation"
         name="frame_navigation" />

Now you will have a vertical bar to hold onto to do your resizing. You can probably make the bar skinner with css, but this is already good enough for me.

One more thought, you can also hard code the frame width if you want.

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